Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Lonely Road

I was talking to someone last week about how lonely this adoption journey has seemed to me. Even though I talk openly with people about our adoption, why we're doing it, and what's happening, it's very difficult to not feel like you're on your own. Dave sort of knows what I mean when I talk to him, but I think he and I are experiencing this in very different ways. When I see the months turn on the calendar I can't help but notice that time is going by so fast, but then I think about all we have yet to do, and I wonder how we will ever get it done. My heart aches, and I think about the children the Lord has for us. I wonder what will happen, what they'll be like, and how our family will change. I commit this process to the Lord, and know that He knows the plans he has for us. It's just so scary to not know how things will happen, when they will happen, etc. I look at my girls and think, how will the effect them? What changes will happen in their lives? I have peace that I am where I need to be, and that knowing I don't know is OK. Maybe this is time for our family to grow with God, without the input of the outside world. Maybe we're learning more about ourselves in the process.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I meant to post this on here a while ago, but here is a picture of the t-shirts we are selling for $20. If you would like to purchase one, let us know!