Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Here's what we know

Well, we don't know too much more right now. We finally got everything re-submitted to Jana, and it's all in Ukraine. Sasha is working on a submission date for our dossier, and then it'll be around 6 weeks before we hear anything. We've got no new information about the boy, but that's OK. We're waiting on Sasha for a bit more information on the situation, but we're not overly concerned about that at this point either. We did find out that we need to send him another $6,000 in advance for translation fees and fees he incurs during the time before and while we're in country. In essence we will need to raise about another $4,000. We're not terribly worried about that part since we've been completely blessed by God to have the money when we needed it! Please continue to pray for us in:
1) Preparation of the heart of our boy
2) Prepare our hearts and the hearts of Zoƫ and Addie
3) Ease of travel (getting plane tickets and no hold ups)
4) Peace during this time, and patience as well
5) For our families. We have been blessed to have most of our family support our decision and leading to adopt, but that is not universally the case. We've had some opposition which has been difficult. Additionally, that our families will understand and have patience with us as we go through this process.
6) That God would bless our finances enough that we would have the extra money needed.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your prayers and support. We've been so blessed to go through this difficult time. I pray that our hearts and attitudes can be what they need to be.