Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Closing the Chapter

Well, I'm not sure what to type exactly, but this morning my devotional was about waiting expectantly. Waiting in faith on the Lord to change my circumstances, and know that any minute He's going to. We got an email from our social worker who heard from the facilitator in Ukraine. They said that they'd likely get a result some time in October. I know what you're thinking, October is next week. And it is, but in Ukraine everything seems to work a little more slowly. But I am waiting expectantly, for a conclusion to this chapter. I can't help but think that we can't give up hope about this child or the next, but know that whatever the Lord has for us will be right in the end. As I think about the roller coaster of emotions this process has been for us, I am so grateful for each step and each day. I am thankful that in my weakness, God is strong, and that He has given such amazing strength to Dave to drag me along on the days I want to give up. I am thankful for each person who has come along side us and supported us even when the process doesn't make sense, and it would have been easier to question why we were continuing and what we were doing wrong, because certainly if this was God's plan it would be going more smoothly. We don't have the answers, and I am thankful for that. If I knew, I wonder if that would make it any easier? I still pray each day for our boy, and know that God has a plan for his life, and I pray that one day it will be realized. I pray that God's glory would be revealed in His time. In the meantime, we continue with life, not giving up, and waiting expectantly.

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