Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

This past Mother's Day was more difficult for me that I can express. I had such joy in my children, the cards they made me, and in my family. But sometimes looking at them, I realize someone is missing, and it's a painful reminder. On Saturday I took ZK to the park for a run. She had a really good run, and she said "at the end I prayed. I said 'thank you' for the great run, and I prayed for [AS]". The week before she didn't have a great run, and we had to have a conversation about perseverance. I told her that running is like every other hard, uncomfortable thing we have to do, and we have to persevere even when we don't want to. Our family absolutely has to persevere in Jesus in order to get through what we're going through with this adoption process. I'm so glad that our little family can support each other and share and learn important lessons from God. I've been thinking about this story... The story of my life, my kids' lives, and our family's life. What will be the testimony? Is it what we have done? Is it what happened to us? Or will it be what Jesus did? I really hope it's the last. Because really, none of this is about us, but about the reason we're doing it. It's because of Jesus. I know some people won't understand that statement. But one day, all things will be made new and perfect, and I rejoice in knowing that this isn't as good as it gets.


  1. Thanks for the reminder about what really matters. Kathy and I are so blessed to be sharing this journey with you guys. And we are absolutely convinced that the outcome will be sweet because you are allowing Jesus to work through you! Many blessings to you all!

  2. Thanks for the reminder about what really matters. Kathy and I are so blessed to be sharing this journey with you guys. And we are absolutely convinced that the outcome will be sweet because you are allowing Jesus to work through you. Praying continued blessings on you all!
