Monday, March 5, 2012

So the latest news

So we went back to the inspector this afternoon. Since the biological mother hasn't filed anything we will proceed as normal. S says it's good news. So we're going to act like nothing's happened and go about our business! This afternoon we went for our time with AS and he saw us in the hallway and came running over. He gave us a hug and then the translator said "he wants a kiss", and I said "a kiss!" and leaned down and kissed him. He smiled, which just melted my heart. Then we did some drawing, and we got a lego set out which he went at with a passion! It was so awesome to see in action how clever he is!


  1. This makes me smile! How awesome...praying that progress will be made and God's hand will guide every step. :) Love you guys!

  2. How precious! Thanks for the updates-helps me know more how to pray.
