Yesterday I was thinking, it seems easier for AS to accept Dave as his dad than it is for him to accept me as his mom. He's got a mom... she's hasn't passed away. She loves him. And she wants him. I think life is so different here. The way people think about things is very different. I know he wants to be with us, and each day, I think he starts to trust us a little more, and open up a little more. We've got a long road ahead of us, but I am trusting.
In other areas, it seems we're dealing with a whole lot more ignorance and just plain meanness from people you'd least expect. Or I'd least expect. Others probably would. I've heard reports that around 80% of children orphaned are orphaned not through the death of their parents, but through poverty. Of these children who are orphaned in Eastern Europe, they age out of the orphanage at age 16. 40% are homeless, >20% turn to crime, many girls become prostitutes, and 10% or more commit suicide. There are more than 100,000 in Ukraine alone, and of these only 10% are orphaned by the death of a parent. Most are due to neglect, alcoholism, and termination of parental rights. I just don't understand why anyone would tell us we're doing something wrong by trying to make a difference for the life a child. I don't have time to try and explain things since I kind of have a lot going on right now.
You can read more statistics at:
Right now we can use prayers for:
1) That we can get this conclusion from the inspector. We've had to refile petitions to see him daily because she's already run out of time once.
2) For my heart. This is just extremely difficult for me to bear at times. I just need a daily dose of turning my frustrations over and receiving peace and patience.
3) Safe travels.
4) Wisdom, guidance, and discernment. I also obviously need to learn when to keep my mouth closed!
5) For another family here who's 10 day waiting period is over Thursday! Yay for Victor! No more orphanage. He is 11 years old, and gets to go home with his family this week. We're so happy for all of them, but particularly Victor who gets to be with his forever family.
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